Understanding the Error Log Report

Learn how to correct your file and understand the quality indicators on the Manaos platform. This guide covers accessing the error log report, interpreting error messages, and ensuring your file meets the required standards.

When a file you uploaded is "rejected", this means that it did not meet the minimum qualitative standards in order to be processed correctly by our platform. We will go over two notions in this article:

  • Correcting my file
  • The meaning of the quality indicators

Accessing the Error Log Report

The Manaos platform provides a visualization of the error log report directly within the app. To access it:

  • Click on the (!) icon on the top right side of the upload line.

  • You will see the error log report on your screen without needing to download it.

Correcting Your File

To correct your file:

  1. After accessing the visualization, click the "Download Error Log" button to download your error log in .csv or .xlsx format.
  2. Review the Error Log, which indicates the errors in specific columns and lines of your input file.

3.   Upload the corrected version of your input file, which should now be accepted by the platform.

How to read and interpret the error log report ? 

    • Error_type → this represents the type of error that you are facing. The error type can be: Expected value, Data Type (String, float, integer), Size (number of characters), Null (this field can’t be empty), but also numerous functional checks like in the example above with the "Portfolio data consistency" or "NAV consistency" check
    • Error_message → this is the message to explain the Error_type in words
    • Expected_message →  what the variable should be: it can be an expected list or the type of data for instance. This column is not systematically filled as we assume that the error_type and error_message sometimes give enough information to deal with the error
    • Received_message → the value there actually is in the uploaded file
    • Line_number → which line is concerned
    • column_name → which column is concerned
    • CIC_code → what is the CIC code for this line (this is an important information as most of our checks are done by looking at the CIC code of the security and interpreting from there what are the mandatory and non mandatory columns)
    • Fund_ID → useful when there is multiple funds in a single file
    • Is_blocking → is the error blocking to get to the next level of quality
    • Quality → indicates the quality for which it is blocking (if applicable)

Quality Indicators

The Manaos platform qualifies the quality level of your file into two categories:

  1. Basic: Your file meets the minimum validity requirements for scenarios such as ESG analysis.
  2. Regulatory: Your file meets the overall validity requirements for regulatory financial reporting scenarios

If your client requires regulatory reporting standards, a "Basic" quality status is insufficient. You will need to correct your file to meet regulatory reporting standards.