How to Use the RepRisk Apps on Manaos

This article will take you through the steps required to use the UN SDGs and Controversies app provided by RepRisk on Manaos

Step 1: Select the UN SDGs and Controversies app by RepRisk on Manaos marketplace.

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 15.16.42


Step 2: If the portfolio you have uploaded not yet been automatically analyzed, click on 'Enrich portfolio'. Otherwise, you may go ahead and skip to Step 4

UsefulScreen 2 2-2


Step 3: Select the portfolio you wish to enrich and click on 'Confirm order'

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 14.26.24


Step 4: Click on Download Files to download your portfolio analysis/analyses. 

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 14.34.02


Step 5: You now have access to your files. You may download them in csv format.