How to reset your password ?

Have you forgotten your password ? Don't worry, you can easily reset it by following these instructions


1. Go to and click on "Forgot your password?": 

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2. You'll be automatically redirected to this page where you can simply type in your username then just click on "Send Email for reset password":

Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.19.16-1


3. You will receive an email with a temporary code:

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4. You'll be automatically redirected to this page:

Capture d’écran 2023-09-12 à 14.22.10-1

  • In field number 1 you can type in the code received by email (step 3)
  • Fields number 2 are for your new password. Please note that the password size must be at least 12 characters & must contain at least a lower-case letter, an upper-case letter, a number and a symbol (between @&§!?$%;:=./+_-())
  • Then you can just click on "Change your password" (3)


Your password is now modified and you'll be redirected to the regular login page.

Please feel free to contact us at if needed.